This story took place in a war-torn country, which resulted in families relocating all over to escape the sufferings of war.
In a small village in the mountains, a couple who has just been married were immediately separated after their wedding night because they received a call for the husband to fight at the forefront. The husband went to war but promised his wife that he would come back for her. Meanwhile, the wife promised that she would wait for him forever. While one can never deny the bond between newlyweds, war doesn’t truly understand the significance of love.
Wife Waits More Than Half A Decade To Meet Again
Unfortunately, after a few days, the wife had to relocate to avoid the ongoing war. With the husband at war and the wife leaving her hometown to settle in another city, the couple had lost contact. For several years since the relocation, the wife tried to get information about her husband. But all she received were vague statements that said that either the husband had vacated the area himself or he had passed away. Nevertheless, the wife never stopped trying to get information about her husband- and she also never remarried- keeping her promise intact. Although her family and her friends tried their hardest to convince her of remarriage- she was undeterred in her promise.

54 years have passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, the young wife who waited for her husband to return home has become a gray-haired elderly woman. Until that day, when her family and friends ask her if she regrets waiting for her husband and not remarrying, her response would only be a smile. For her, ‘word of honor’ is more important than finding a new husband.
But when 2020 arrived, it brought a whole other tragedy with itself. The woman got to know that her husband was actually alive. And when the couple met after 54 years, the woman faced a disappointing reality. She came to know that her former husband had remarried quite promptly- and had multiple children and grandchildren.
The Meeting Came With A Bittersweet Shock For The Woman
Although the husband felt embarrassed, the elderly woman did not hesitate to welcome him. The former couple hugged and cried for being away from each other for so long. The grandfather admit that he felt guilty since his ex-wife did not remarry and waited for him for 54 years.
In between sadness and anger, the elderly woman pounded on the grandfather’s chest and cried, “I have waited for you for 54 years! Why didn’t you come to me? Where have you been all these years?” With a loss for words, the grandfather hugged her and cried.

As it turns out, the husband had indeed kept his promise and returned from the war to his wife only to find the house in ruins. He then assumed that his wife had already passed. This is what led him to get remarried again- following which he changed his name and domicile. Maybe it was fate- for both of them never had a clue that the other was alive and well in some other part of the country. There was no internet back then- so that definitely made things difficult.
Life can be cruel at times, but acceptance is inevitable. Both parties are not at fault, and situations are unstoppable. C’est la vie! That’s life!