The internet is like a two-edged sword. We see a lot of dark and nasty things on the internet that make us feel uncomfortable and can quickly destroy our moods. However, good things happen every day, demonstrating that many kind-hearted people still want to make the world a better place. They are just strangers who want to help individuals in need during difficult times. And thanks to them, our trust in humanity has been restored.
It turns out that there is a subreddit called r/GateOpenComeOnIn dedicated to sharing photos of good deeds when decent people look out for others, and the impact is nothing short of incredible. These optimistic posts are sure to warm your heart and put a smile on your face. Scroll down to check.
#1. “Do what you do to make your child happy”

#2. “Do what makes you happy for you”

#3. “Southern hospitality”

#4. “Stress relief”

#5. “Gates open slide on in”

#6. “Wholesome”

#7. “Better late than never”

#8. “Does this truck count?”

#9. Yeah

#10. “Come on in and long as you’re nice”

#11. “Anyone can be tired!”

#12. “G.a.y pride can be whatever you want/need it to be”

#13. “Read whatever you wantttt”

#14. “Good guy owner”

#15. “Wholesome patriotism”

#16. “HI MILLY”

#17. “Everybody says thank you to Andy”

#18. “Never too late for new beginnings”

#19. “It’s the thought that counts”

#20. “Halloween for everyone!”

#21. “They had us in the first half”

#22. “Friendly encouragement”

#23. “We are all nerds together”

#24. “Someone I went to school with posted this about giving their son a unicorn-themed birthday bash. Positive parenting for the win”

#25. “Minding your own business is free”