When Bethani met Tim Webb for the first time, she knew that things were going to be different, how he smiled, his great passion for life and grandeur dreams pulled Bathani to him. So the fact that Tim felt the same was a relief, two years later Tim asked him to marry her…
The two really had no idea how their lives would be turned inside out just a few short weeks after their wedding day!
Tim and Bethani began to discuss what the future was going to look like for them both as a couple. Were they going to buy a house, were they going to have pets? Would they have children?
Speaking to the news channels, Bethani said she was happy to start trying for a family right away, but Tim preferred to wait for a little and enjoy their time together as newlyweds.
She said:
“My husband definitely wanted to wait a year. I was fine with whenever it ended up happening, but then we found out we were very excited, only thinking we were having one…”
Bethani realized that she was pregnant and they shot straight to the doctors to have an ultrasound!
…but what happened next in the doctor’s office was going to be something they will remember for the all of their lives!

The tech positioned the ultrasound wand scanner over her stomach at precisely the correct angle, then announced, to both of them, that they were going to be having quadruplets!
“I could not believe it, I was in such shock. Honestly, I thought the ultrasound tech was joking. I couldn’t believe it… It was a good thing that my husband was sitting down because he almost fainted.”, Bethani said.
Neither of them had a history of this in their families because they conceived naturally it was even rarer! The couple realized that having four identical girls happens once in fifteen million pregnancies!
They were very grateful that the remainder of Bethani’s pregnancy went really smooth and she had four identical girls, McKayla, Grace, Abigail, and Emily…

The pair was in luck that the community all grouped together and helped them, people in their hometown started a fundraiser and ensure that they didn’t want for anything, how awesome!
She said:
“It’s really amazing because there would be no way we could do this by ourselves”
Neighbors and family members and even complete strangers all helped and looked after the couple any way they could, the couple knew things were going to be hard though!

The two are coming to the realization that they now have children together and even though they never imagined it, they are both getting stuck in and making the most of their new position.
Bethani said to the News:
“I think my husband has gotten used to the idea that there are four babies, but I don’t think he’s gotten used to the idea that there are four identical girls”
There will be arguments like all couples have, some hard and sad times too, but in the years to come, they know it will be worth it all.
The girls are growing day by day and they will become fine young women one day, their proud parents will be there with them every step of the way!