A woman from a small Indian village may have set a new record for the world’s oldest mother.
74-year-old Erramatti Mangayamma, from the Eastern Godavari district, reportedly gave birth to healthy twins on Sept. 6, according to SWNS TV.
Mangayamma Yaramati opted for in vitro fertilization after years of being unable to conceive, reported the Times of India. She gave birth via cesarean section, and is currently in intensive care “to come out of the stress” of giving birth, doctors said.

Uma Shankar, who is reportedly the doctor who delivered the babies, told the Washington Post that she is 74, according to a provided birth certificate. Other news outlets have reported that she is 73.
Mangayamma pursued IVF after a neighbor in her 50s became pregnant through the method, said Uma Shankar.

Yaramati said that not having a child was a source of guilt.
Her health, said Uma Shankar, was “constantly monitored” by medical experts throughout her pregnancy.
usatoday.com, insider.com