Have you ever unabled to move or speak when waking up? Have you ever felt a negative energy in your room with no explanation? The article helps you answer this problem.
What is Sleep Paralysis?
Sleep paralysis is the temporary inability to control your body’s movements or speech while you’re between sleeping and wakefulness.
The status usually lasts only seconds to minutes, and is sometimes accompanied by the sense that there is an ominous presence nearby. Some people undergo a heaviness on their chest, have hallucinations, or are unable to open their eyes during sleep paralysis.

Although sleep paralysis doesn’t happen frequently, you should find medical attention if you:
- undergo sleep paralysis regularly
- can’t fall asleep because of anxiety or fear about sleep paralysis
What Causes Sleep Paralysis?
Sleep paralysis occurs during the process of waking up, or less commonly, falling asleep.
Your sleep follows this rough pattern:
- Stage 1: The first stage of sleep is what you might call “nodding off”. Your brain should have 7 minutes to go from actively awake to an early stage of sleep.
- Stage 2: Your brain takes about 20-30 minutes to approach a deep sleep.
- Stage 3: You’re sleeping deeply, you don’t usually trigger in this stage. You suffer rapid eye movements (REM) and dream in this stage.
What are the Risk Factors of Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis is most popular among teens and young adults, however other risk things can make the experience more likely.
- Sleep disorders like narcolepsy
- Disrupted sleep-wake cycle
- Sleeping on back
- Genetics
- Emotional trauma
- Depression
- Panic disorders
How to Prevent Sleep Paralysis
Most cases of sleep paralysis can be enhanced with small adjustments to your routine.
- Avoid screen time before bed. Maintain your sleeping environment dark and quiet.
- Maintain your bedtime and wake-up time the same every day
- Exercise regularly, but sleep at least 4 hours
- Avoid caffeine and large meals in the evening.
Tips for Getting Out of Sleep Paralysis

While sleep paralysis won’t last long, it can bring a scary experience. Here’re these trick for cutting the experience short while it’s happening.
- Try to center on exactly where the back of your head meets your pillow.
- Forcusing on this real physical sensation can help anchor you to the real world and pull you out of your dream.
- Try breathing irregularly (such as taking two breaths out, one breath in, etc.).
- Don’t try to talk.
- Just remember that this is a dream. As scary as it can be, it will pass.