Before Elsa’s school prom, her stepmother, Jane, transformed into an evil woman. Jane and her father married six years ago, and she moved in with them, bringing her daughter, Amy.

“You and Amy are the same age,” her father said. “I think you two will get along really well.”
“I don’t think so,” Elsa said. “She’s barely said a word to me.”
“Elsa,” her father said. “Give it time.”
Jane enrolled Amy in Elsa’s school because it was closer to hers, and she hoped they would be closer.
Jane would accompany Elsa and Amy to their nail appointments as a kind stepmother. However, things deteriorated with time.
“Maybe Amy’s just going through something,” her father would say. “Maybe she just needs extra time with her mom.” Elsa said.
When prom night arrived, Elsa was overjoyed. She was dating Mason, and they were planning a lovely night together. Because she did not want to upset her father, she began working on her prom outfit. She was babysitting in the neighborhood.
When she had saved enough money to buy her dress, she tried it on in the store where her father accompanied her. Her father exclaimed, “Oh, Elsa,” when he saw her in her attire. “You look beautiful, darling.”
“Are you sure you want to pay for it yourself?” Her father asked. “Because I’ll do it in a heartbeat.”

“But you can buy me a waffle,” Elsa said, as she refused.
Several hours later, as she returned home from her shift, she noticed Jane and Amy wiping the silverware with bits of her dress.
Jane asked, “Honey,” as Elsa shrieked. “What’s wrong?”
“That’s my dress!”
“Oh!” Jane responded. “It was your prom dress?”
“You did this?”
“Well, yes,” Jane said. “But I thought that I was cutting up some secondhand dress. It didn’t look prom-worthy. So, I thought I’d use it to polish the silver and the windows.”
Then Elsa began to cry aloud. She heard her father’s footsteps. But Jane did not. “Now, now, Elsa,” she stated. “You should have known better; you cannot be more beautiful than Amy. Amy is taking prom queen title. You cannot outshine her.”
“What did you just say?” Her father said, and Jane’s face turned pale.
“Did you do this, Jane?” he asked.
“I can fix it,” Jane couldn’t speak.

Then he dashed into Jane’s bedroom, took a dress, and shredded it. Jane shouted.
“Dad,” Elsa tried to calm her father.
“Fix this,” her father said.
“I’m done,” he said. “You can’t keep hurting my child.”
When the prom night arrived, her father entered Elsa’s room carrying a box. “It’s your dress, darling,” he said. “You go and have fun tonight. Now, let’s get your hair done.”
“I’ve been blind to her treatment of you for too long, Elsa. It’s done now. The future is for you and I, and the fights we’ll have about college,” he smiled as he revealed that he would divorce Jane.