A boy reminds an LMPD officer named Jan Dykes of the power of pr.a.y.e.r. She is shown in a photo pr.a.y.i.n.g with a student before he went to school near his bus stop at 29th Street and Market.
Dykes said: ”He stopped me and was like, ‘Hey, before you leave, would mind if I pr.a.y.e.d with you for your day and my day going to school?”

It was a special connection between a cop and boy brought on by a spontaneous moment. Dykes said she was finishing up her morning patrols at the bus stops.
She said: “It was great,”
“He said, ‘I want to pr.ay for this officers safety. I made a new friend. I really hope her day goes great, and hopefully she makes a lot of lives better and going to school and meeting new people.’ It was really great to think this kid had this much excitement.”
According to Dykes, she was stunned by kindness and open heart of the kid. Dykes even went back to the bus stop to try to find the boy at the end of the school day, but she didn’t have any luck.
Despite not knowing the boy’s name or his address, she wants him to know how much his gesture meant to her.
Dykes added: ”It brought a lot of joy to me for him to want to do that for me,”
“Often times people are thinking, ‘How can you go and help them?’ and its just nice to see he wanted to do that for me. It made me happy and see someone so young and moldable and being so positive and wanting to be that light.”
Source: VTVM.com