People of these zodiac signs show their love through actions, not words

1. Cancer (June 21-July 22)
People of this zodiac sign want nothing more than for everyone who matters to them to feel loved and cared for. However, because they feel their emotions so deeply, they can get overwhelmed and have a hard time expressing them verbally. Rather, they prefer to let their emotions flow out of them physically with affection and cuddles.
Instead of getting self-conscious because they can’t find the right words to encapsulate how they feel, they would rather squeeze their loved ones tight, kiss them unexpectedly, or simply cuddle up next to them.
2. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Capricorns are extremely loyal and have huge hearts. This sign won’t always go out of their way to do sweet, mushy things for their partner. However, they will do practical things for their partner. They will help with the chores. They will volunteer to be the designated driver and help you move boxes. They will show up whenever you need them, no questions asked. Even though they might not blurt out how much they care about you, you will be able to tell that they care by the way they treat you. After all, Capricorns aren’t going to waste their time with anyone that they aren’t sure about. Their standards are way too high for that.
3. Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Virgos would rather act out their feelings by demonstrating just how much they care about you. Virgos aren’t afraid of going big and love surprising their partner with grand gestures.
They’ll do whatever it takes to make their partner happy whether that means driving across cities on a weekly basis or sending flowers to their work. They put in effort in their relationships and make their partner feel special and loved even if it’s not through words.
4. Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)
Aquarius aren’t the type to text you reminders that they love you and can’t imagine living without you – but they are the type to remember the little things you’ve said and to check in on you when they know you’ve been stressed. This sign might not make the grand romantic gestures that you see in romantic comedies, but they will try their hardest to be the best partner they can be. They will constantly seek to improve themselves so that you receive the best possible version of them. They will show how much they care by being the partner you deserve.