8 things men ONLY do with the woman they love

He will only do these eight things if he is in love with you!
Men are not like women when showing feelings. It’s much harder for them to show what they feel and only do it when they feel it. There are 8 things a man only does with the woman he loves.
If you want to know if he loves you or not, this is a good way to find out:
1. He listens to you
If you’ve ever thought that men sometimes behave like children, you’re not entirely wrong. Most men can’t focus on something unless it’s really important to them. If he loves you, your voice is music to your ears and what you have to say is something that matters to him.
The man who loves her will not only listen to her, but he will also pay special attention to her words and you will see why he will follow your advice and respect your words.
2. Discuss with you
Yes, fights are not always a sign that the relationship is going through a bad time. If you weren’t important to him anymore or had never been important enough for him to love you, he wouldn’t use his time and energy arguing with you. Occasional arguments are a sign that he wants things to work out, wants to find a middle ground where they are both happy.
3. Sacrifice your happiness for your
This is one of the biggest signs that a man loves a woman. If he gives up something he would like to do to do something that would make her happy, he is not only showing her that he loves her, but that he respects her and that making sacrifices for her happiness doesn’t intimidate him, but makes him feel complete.
4. Fight for your love
When a man is with a woman for any reason other than love and the desire to build something lasting, he will never fight for her love. Only if he loves her will he move heaven and earth not to lose her. A man in love feels lucky to have her in his life and losing her is the last thing on his list.
5. Rejoices your achievements as if they were his
When a man loves a woman, everything she does becomes a conquest of her own. It’s almost like when we are mothers and every little thing our little ones do is like touching the sky with our hands. A man in love does not compete with the woman he loves, a man in love wins along with the woman he loves.
6. Think you’re beautiful even on your worst days
A few weeks ago one of my co-workers had a blister on her lips and didn’t want to meet her boyfriend because she didn’t want him to see her like that, however, the consensus of all of us was that if he saw her like that and didn’t care, would be a sign that he is interested in her. When a man loves a real woman, she will always be beautiful to him.
7. It will even give you tips about your best friend
A man in love understands that the people you love are important to you, and that if they are happy, so will you. If he loves you, he will have no problem hearing all these details of the problems with his friends and will even contribute what he can to help them solve the problem.
8. Not afraid to show that he’s afraid of losing her
Men don’t like to look vulnerable (never); if he loves you, he won’t have a problem showing you that he’s afraid to let go of you in his life.