In relationships, everyone wants to receive respect from everyone around them. However, the reality is not that simple. You have certainly experienced the feeling of clearly noticing someone, or a group of people showing contempt for you.
At that time, although no one feels comfortable, a wise person will not get angry, nor will he try to explain. Because doing this will only make the situation worse.
So how do you make them change their attitude towards you, from looking down on you to being more careful and respectful of you? Just remember the following 2 things to do:
#1: Stop communicating.

Lack of respect from others can drain your energy and mean nothing to your future life. So when someone disrespects you, it is wise to treat them as strangers and stop communicating without any explanation.
This does not mean that we should suppress anger but rather calmly consider the pros and cons and come up with the most effective responses.
In this case, we can choose to leave the scene or remain silent and not let the other party’s behavior affect our own lives.
Ignoring others directly is not weakness, it is a way to protect yourself. If you keep caring about other people’s attitudes and behaviors, you will lose yourself.
The more you try to explain, the less the other party cares about you, the more trouble you get into and directly reduce the value and quality of your life.
#2: Focus on self-improvement.

After ignoring people who don’t understand what respect is. The next step is to focus on your own life and never stop improving yourself.
The other party doesn’t respect you and rejects you completely deep down. They feel you are worthless and pose no threat, they will disregard you without conscience. And then we feel hurt, even angry instinctively.
But if there is a direct conflict with the other party, it shows your recklessness and lack of thinking. The most effective way to reverse the other party’s judgment is to focus on your long-term development.
As you become more confident and stronger, those who don’t respect you may regret their initial actions of “looking down” on you.
Respect is not only given by others but also earned by oneself. A wise person will understand not to argue with a fool, and not to place joy and sorrow on anyone.
The important thing to always remember is to believe in your worth.

In the words of Russian writer Turgenev: “Trust yourself first, then others will trust you.” Who will respect you when you look down on yourself? Therefore, self-confidence is the prerequisite to avoid being looked down upon by others. Be patient, your true worth will be proven through time and actions, not by the scorn of others.
In life, the value of a person is not just contained in a few words of others but must go through a process of nurturing and training. When you have achieved a state of calm and noble demeanor, you will naturally be respected by others.
Therefore, in life, you should not pay too much attention to negative words because they will greatly affect your spirit, while the person who sowed those feelings on you remains calm and composed.
Always be yourself. Laugh when you want to laugh, cry when you want to cry, control your mood. Taking the initiative to hold your life, and making yourself more beautiful is a perfect way to respond to those who look down on you and also to make everyone love you more.