A 89-year-old widow from was evicted from the house she had lived in for more than 30 years. Her neighbors weren’t going to let her go homeless.
Angie Tyma lived with her husband in a Hudson, Florida home until he passed on. She later sold it to a man who agreed to let her continue to live there by paying rent, FOX13 reports.

Tyma would later get notification from an investment company that it had purchased her house due to the owner’s inability to pay the mortgage. The investment company bought the house during an auction and told the old occupant to vacate the premises.
Despite a warning, Tyma didn’t think she would be tossed onto the streets.
“They threw me out,” she said. “I couldn’t believe it.”
With no home, she lived in a Days Inn for three weeks.
Losing her home was hard enough, but Tyma had also scattered her husband’s ashes behind the house and her three pets were bureid in the backyard.
“They’re all buried in the back, and I just couldn’t accept the fact that I could never come back,” said Tyma.
Once the neighborhood saw Tyma’s belongings being taken out of the house, they jumped to help. But it was Danielle Calder, who lives a few houses away, who made the decision to buy back the house.
She contacted the company that had purchased it at auction and bought it back for $167,500. Now she’s Tyma’s new landlord.
“Quite honestly, I didn’t need another house,” Calder, 65, told TODAY. “But I needed her. I couldn’t see her living in a motel room… she’s been here so long. Everyone looks out for her.”
Calder obliged and surprised Tyma with the keys in the driveway on her 89th birthday.

“She always said to me, don’t worry, you’re going to always live here. she is a good friend,” said Tyma.
Tyma moved back into her home and is now paying Calder rent to help with expenses.
Source: boston25news, today.com