8 Signs That The Signs Of Your Man Is Deeply Engrossed And Wants You Badly

Signs that he wants you, and badly, are no exception. Let’s see.
1. More time spent together
If a man is strongly attracted to a woman, he tries to spend as much time with her as possible. He also unknowingly invades her personal space – touching hands, as well as other supposedly random touches – all these gestures are a signal of strong interest in the lady.
2. Wet palms

A few more signs that he wants you badly are sweat on his face and a racing heart. Through them, you could determine the degree of a man’s interest in you. Strong excitement is manifested by biting the lips, licking them, increased salivation. But, we must still note that each person has his own characteristics of the nervous system, behavior, therefore, not all of the above signs can be manifested.
3. Facial expressions and gestures
A charming smile and an interested look are two more sure signs that he wants you. As you talk, listen to his tone of voice. What do you think, isn’t an idea more hearty, low and plush? If the answer is yes, rejoice, this man wants you.
4. Ambiguous jokes

Another trick of men, with which they “feel” the soil. This is to check the limits of what is allowed that you have created. Depending on the female’s reaction, the males make conclusions about how to proceed with the “catch”. How far can they go and where will it already be accepted by the lady for rude behavior.
5. Wringing hands, crushing some object
In moments of excitement, a man who passionately desires you may show unconscious nervousness. Wringing his hands, crumpling a napkin or anything else he happens to come across while talking to you.
6. Listen to his speech

How to unmistakably recognize the signs that he wants you? He will do something else. He will choose a special topic of conversation to intrigue you enough to buy himself enough time in an attempt to seduce you.
7. Look
The eyes rarely lie. They usually show a person’s true feelings, so pay attention to them. If a man looks at you intently and doesn’t look away at all, these are sure signs that he wants you. Sometimes you may even feel him “undressing” you with a look.
8. Behavior
If he constantly invites you out, offers you help in solving your problems, plans the time you will spend together in the future, then there is no doubt – this man definitely wants you.