92-Year-Old Grandpa Calls Up His Granddaughter In Tears, Asks Her If She’d Like To Have A Sleepover
It’s easy to forget that as we grow older, so do our elders.
The chaos of our daily lives – work, relationships, hobbies – often robs us of the time we have left. Days turn into weeks, which turn into months, and in the midst of life we forget to nurture some of our most precious connections: our family.
Younger generations are busy with their own lives, forgetting those who raised them. However, that is not the case with this duo. When the grandfather called in tears, his granddaughter knew how to honor his request.
Megan Elizabeth has had a fantastic relationship with her grandparents since childhood.

Countless days in their loving company, many fond memories. Unfortunately, it is not always so, because after the loss of his wife a few years ago, 92-year-old grandfather felt quite lonely.
His granddaughter shared a chat they had via text on her TikTok and Instagram accounts. Apparently, he’d been feeling under the weather, crying on the phone during one of their calls. Then one night he texted to ask if she’d like to come over for a sleepover at his house, saying “I haven’t been feeling well and miss you. We can order food and watch a mystery show. Love, grandpa.”
Megan shared the texts between her and her grandfather, explaining that he had been feeling lonely and crying on the phone

In the caption, she wrote that his health had deteriorated, so she was taking every opportunity to see him. So without further ado, she jumped in her car and drove to KFC and a grocery store to get some snacks.
Her grandpa had some requests: “Could you pick up applesauce? The cinnamon kind. And if you go somewhere with mash potatoes, I would like that because I have no teeth and can only eat soft things. Ha!”
He later added strawberry ice cream to the little list, and honestly, I can’t blame him! Strawberry ice cream is freaking delicious! Especially when you share it with someone you love, but I digress.
He asked her if she wanted to come over for a sleepover, and she enthusiastically agreed, offering to bring snacks and treats, to which he happily agreed.

He finished the chat, saying “thank you. You are my favorite granddaughter”, adding in a little request for ice cream as well

Grandpa ended the messages saying, “thank you. You are my favorite granddaughter.” Megan laughed that she’s his only granddaughter but, regardless of that little fact, it’s still very sweet.
She arrived with gifts that included everything he had asked for, and they spent the evening enjoying each other’s ice cream and, more importantly, each other’s company. They watched their grandfather’s favorite crime show before going to bed.
Shortly after, Megan brought KFC, applesauce, and ice cream for the two of them while they watched a mystery show.

After the show, Grandpa led them to the bedroom, which he had made up just as he had when she was little

If you thought everything beforehand was sweet, then wait till you read this, my Pandas. Grandpa made sure Megan had a glass of water by her bed just in case she got thirsty. She noticed that “he made my bed how he used to make it, when I was little with my favorite doll of my grandma’s (rest in peace). And gave me a flashlight ‘in case I got scared’.”
The video finished with her laying in bed, getting emotional, the captions saying: “Staying here brings back so many good memories from my childhood. I love my grandpa so much!”
He also gave her a flashlight, just in case she got scared; the video finishing with Megan saying “I love my grandpa so much”

She had to leave early in the morning to go to work, yet he could not let her go without waving goodbye
A follow-up video came soon after, with her in the car, the caption stating: “I had to work at 5:30AM and he got up to wave goodbye to me and wish me a good day.” If that’s not pure love, I don’t know what is.

There are many things we can take away from the story of Megan Elizabeth and her sincere, deep love for her grandfather.
When was the last time you called a loved one? Is there a family member or friend facing loneliness in silence that you could reach out to?
This tear-jerking story, which Elizabeth has shared with the entire Internet, reminds us how much we need each other and how much we can be spiritually saved by a little love. In hard times and when we are heartbroken, our friends can help us heal our souls, and by helping others, we can heal ourselves.