7 Reasons Why He Suddenly Ghosted & Stopped Texting You.

1. He’s Going Through Personal Issues
When you’ve been talking with a guy who seems genuinely interested in you, on a regular basis, through text messages, and he suddenly stops texting, there are high chances that he’s going through personal issues.
The good thing is that if you wait long enough, one day he’ll start texting again like nothing ever happened.
2. He Doesn’t Know What to Say
Sometimes guys are dumb like that, thinking they always need something shiny and exciting to discuss with you (and keep you intellectually engaged).
So, if they’ve decided to stop texting, maybe they just don’t know what to say to you anymore.
3. You shared too much personal information with him
If you told him your life story and you don’t know him well, chances are that he might be scared and that is the main reason he doesn’t text you back.
4. He simply doesn’t like you that much
If you’re dating a man, and he no longer texts you back… Then there’s already a risk that the relationship is over. If a man doesn’t like a woman, or feels that he is done with her, he will often just stop texting her.
5. Taking you for granted
He assumes that you’ll always be there, even if he doesn’t do anything to keep you around. Why wouldn’t you do something about that? For a change, stop texting him so often.
6. He’s Testing You
More often than you might imagine, guys stop texting because they want to see how you react. They are simply testing you. They want to know if you’ll text back or tell them how much you miss them.
7. He has met someone else
Sometimes a guy might stop texting suddenly because he’s busy pursuing other relationships. If he’s been texting you a lot, and stops, but is active on social media, the chances are even higher that he was/is playing you.