A pig walks into a pub.
He goes up to the bar and sees a curious-looking bottle bubbling away with mist emanating from the top.
Slightly flummoxed he asks the barman,
“What’s this about then?”
The barman replies,
“Well, this is a mystic potion, a concoction of my very own. Take a sip and it’ll magically release your full potential.”
“[email protected]” shouts the pig.
“You see that big cat over there,” the barman says, pointing at a huge lion,
“He used to be a puny house kitty. He took a sip of the magic potion and now he’s King of the jungle”.
“That guy over there,” pointing to a toothy crocodile,
“He used to be a tiny lizard until he took a sip of the magic potion and now he’s the top of the food chain!”
“Okay,” said the pig.
He grabbed the potion and took a large swig. A puff of smoke instantly enveloped him, and as it cleared he looked down at himself in utter shock.
He had been transformed into a human!
“What the hell has your potion done to me?” shouts the pig
“Hmmm”, says the barman,
“how do you feel?”
“I feel like… I feel… I want to be more selfish… I feel like lying, like promising the world only to not deliver…”
“Yep, as I expected”, says the barman,
“it’s turned you into a politician”.