The twins were born healthy, but as weeks passed, one of the baby’s skin tones began to change.

Chantelle Broughton, 29, gave birth to babies Ayon and Azirah in April. While her son Ayon was born with a fair skin tone and green eyes, her daughter Azirah had a darker skin complexion and brown eyes.
Chantelle said that she looks white, but is mixed race as her maternal grandfather was Nigerian. Her partner Ashton, 29, is half Jamaican, half Scottish.
The mom said that Ayon and Azirah did not look much different from each other at birth, however, as weeks passed, Azirah’s skin complexion started getting “darker and darker”.

The twins have “totally opposite” personalities, according to Chantelle.
“Azirah is really laid back and chilled, whereas Ayon wants a lot more attention. He always wants to be rocked and is constantly babbling along. Azirah doesn’t do that very often. But I have noticed they are really staring at each other now and smiling more. I think they will stay like this,” Chantelle was quoted as saying by Daily Mail.
“I think their hair will be different too. Azirah will have thick and curly hair and Ayon’s will be completely different. You can already feel the difference in texture,”
“I’m so glad they came out the way they are – our own unique little family. Azirah was slightly darker at birth but you couldn’t really tell. Now as weeks have gone on she has gotten to the point where she’s darker than her dad,” the mother added.
“They both looked quite similar from birth but she is getting darker and darker. She is gorgeous,” dad Ashton said.

Friends and family members continue to tell Chantelle and her husband that “they can’t believe it.”
Chantelle said that people often ask if her both the babies are hers. “People just stop and say ‘oh my god’, they just look totally different. I’ve had people ask ‘are they both yours’?”