Grandmother of eight Tracey Britten hit the headlines in October last year when she gave birth to four IVF babies at 31 weeks.
Tracey, who was raised in Preston but now lives in London, explored the option of IVF with her 40-year-old husband Stephen after unsuccessfully trying for a baby naturally.
After being deemed too old for treatment on the NHS, the couple travelled to a clinic in Cyprus where an embryo was successfully implanted first time.

She gave birth to George, identical twins Francesca and Fredrica and sister Grace, in London on October 26, 2018.
When Tracey found out she was pregnant with four babies she ‘nearly fell off the bed’ and felt like she was ‘having an out-of-body experience’.
But their joy turned into heartbreak when doctors later recommended two of the babies be aborted.
They were given just days to make a decision after scans revealed one of the identical twins was taking her sister’s blood supply.
Tracey decided to ‘leave it up to nature’ after seeking advice from a US doctor who had delivered 120 quads.

After surviving a dramatic fight for her life in intensive care, her young ones have defied the odds to see their first birthday yesterday.
To mark the occasion, Tracey, 51, who has three adult children, took her tots to Preston, Lancashire, to visit the grave of her mother.
It was a fitting tribute to Pauline Smith, who lost her life in 2007 and left £7,000 for her daughter which she spent on fertility treatment.

Despite the risks, she gave birth to George, Grace and identical twins Francesca and Fredrica in London on October 26 last year.
Tracey said she had always been saving her mum’s money ‘for a rainy day’ and thought her dream of having more children was the perfect way to use it.
She added: ‘Mum always wanted one of her girls to have twins so I feel blessed that I was able to do that for her.