The Australian woman borrowed the personal item from a friend
A doctor has issued a terrifying warning to people who share certain items with people after a woman in Australia nearly d-ied.
Back in 2015, Jo Gilchrist, from Queensland, Australia, had her life turned upside down after using a simple personal item she’d lent from a friend.
However Jo’s friend was suffering a bacterial infection called Staphylococcus, though these are normally treated with antibiotics.
Yet, the bacteria that entered Jo’s bloodstream through a small cut on her face was a strain known as Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA), which is resistant to medicines such as penicillin.

The mom was ultimately left wheelchair-bound after borrowing her pal’s makeup brush, having made a decision to use the beauty applicator to cover up a pimple.
“It travelled around my body, into my spinal column and slowly strangled my spinal cord. I did at one stage think I was going to d-ie, and I was dying slowly.”, Jo told 9Entertainment about her terrible ordeal.
She added: “Lying in surgery staring at the lights, hyperventilating, telling them, ‘I’ve got a two-year-old who needs me, I’m all he’s got,’ that was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever been through.”
Jo spent five months in hospital after she fell ill, even though an intensive rehab programme did mean she was able to walk again.
“I found this incredible place called Making Strides. Sometimes they’re teaching people how to walk again or take their first steps, or they’re teaching people to become more independent with their spinal cord injuries,” she told 9Entertainment.
“In my case I was just incredibly lucky to have the message go down to my legs to be able to move them in the first place.
“To go from being mostly in my wheelchair to running, it’s just incredible. I never ever thought that was possible, especially when you get told, ‘You won’t walk again, you can’t do this’.”
Singapore-based doctor Dr Samuel Choudhury shared Jo’s story on Instagram. He detailed the risks of sharing personal items such as makeup brush.
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“It can still happen to anyone…say no to MRSA [and] don’t share make-up brushes,” the doctor said.
As for Jo, she is urging those who feel something isn’t quite right with their body to go and get it checked out.
“Once you’ve been dealt a not so great hand, you do have the ability to stand up and fight for a little bit more independence or to overcome trauma,” she continued to 9Entertainment.
“There’s always a possibility that you might come out better than you ever thought was possible.”