This broke my heart in more ways than one. And just a warning: it might shatter yours in half as well.
However, it is an important read, and I sincerely hope that we can all work together to raise awareness of this issue, so please share it with everyone you know who owns a pet, as well as the general public, on Facebook, for example.
Our pets are very dear to us. We are here for them, providing them with love, care, and plenty of cuddles and treats.
But it turns out that there is one crucial moment when we aren’t present for them.
When it is time for them to depart away.

It all began when Jessi Dietrich, a regular veterinarian patron, asked her cat’s vet the most difficult aspect of his job was.
“Asked my vet what the hardest part was about his job and he said when he has to put an animal down, 90 percent of owners don’t actually want to be in the room when he injects them,” she tweeted, adding: “So the animal’s last moments are usually them frantically looking around for their owners, and to be honest, that broke me.”
Jessi’s heart was broken by the vet’s response, and she realized she needed to tell everyone she knew about it in order to make a difference.

After Jessi’s tweet went viral, several more vets came forward to share their heartbreaking observations.
The following Facebook post from a Hillcrest Veterinary Hospital employee quickly spread among thousands of people.

This is a basic bit of information that I believe we could all benefit from. If everyone shared this, I am confident that fewer pets would ᴅɪᴇ sadly and alone, passionately searching for their loving owner and best companion.
If you have any doubts about how much your pet loves you, check out the additional movie below. It may change your thinking.
Please share this critical information; you never know who could be unaware. I am confident that if more people understood how sad and difficult this time may be for our dogs, they would opt to brazen it out and join them for their final, precious moments on Earth before entering animal heaven.