The powers of goodness do not only exist in fairytales. Sometimes regular people play the role of a good fairy, bringing miracles into the lives of strangers by word or deed. These Internet users told stories like these.
Story 1
One day, while I was working at a fast food restaurant, this lady left her Louis Vuitton bag on the table. I waited about 20 minutes but remembered seeing her depart, so I grabbed it and placed it in the lost and found. I never glanced inside.
A month passed by. My manager asked, “Hey, it’s been a month…do you want that bag?” I answered yes and went into the rear to collect it. I opened the top and was surprised to find nothing but a piece of paper. I opened the piece of paper to find a receipt for the bag.
On the receipt was a message that read, “To the girl who needed a new purse during the holidays.” Whoever this lady was planning to do this in the first place. I looked at the receipt—$1700 for this bag!? I carefully packed my belongings in it, took it home, and said nothing further about it.
That purse helped me seem nice in a lot of job interviews. I still have the bag because it reminds me of those humble days when I didn’t have much and encourages me to give back to others. © Katelyn Guzman/Quora

Story 2
Many years ago, when I first married, we had very little money and lived paycheck to paycheck. My wife was pregnant with our first child, and I worked a part-time job. I went to the supermarket a few days before payday and bought only what we needed. Some bread. Some dish soap. I am thinking of a jar of mayonnaise. Overall, about $10 worth of goods.
At the cashier, I swiped my debit card in the hopes that it would clear. The cashier said, “Declined. Try again.” I requested her to return an item, then swiped with the revised total while a line developed behind me. The cashier, now upset, said, “Declined again.” I hung my head as I swiped the last time, but I was still ashamed when the card was approved for buying that measly loaf of bread.
I collected my receipt and slunk out to my car, wanting to hide because I felt humiliated, embarrassed, and like a failure as a provider. I was almost to the car when I heard the voice of a small girl behind me, standing in line with her mother. “Mister! Mister!”
I turned around, and she reached out and handed me a plastic shopping bag. It was filled with the products I had the clerk return. “It’s okay, we bought this for you.” Surprised, astonished, and humbled, I mumbled “thank you,” walked to my car, placed my head on the steering wheel, and sobbed like a baby. With embarrassment, thankfulness, the absurdity of the situation, and dissatisfaction in myself for being the “breadwinner” while failing to meet fundamental requirements.
It’s been roughly 25 years, but the memory remains vivid, and I’m still grateful to that little girl and her mother. I still cry when I think about how such a tiny act can mean so much to someone in need. Since then, I’ve assisted others whenever we could afford it (yes, even in shopping lines). © akambe / Reddit
Story 3
When I was 16, I was traveling with my family to New York, where it was considered to be quite hot. I hadn’t been on an airplane in a long time and had no idea I should dress warmly, especially for long flights. I wore shorts and a T-shirt and neglected to get my sweater out of my checked luggage.
It was a night flight, and I was chilly while trying to sleep. Attendants never came by, and I had no idea I could ask for a blanket. I was away from my family and next to an older, foreign tourist couple, trying to sleep despite the cold. I awoke after a few hours and noticed I wasn’t as cold as I had been. I sat up and noticed I had a hand-knitted shawl wrapped around my shoulders.
The lady next to me must have noticed my puzzled expression, as she then replied in broken English, “You shake in sleep, I have this,” indicating to the shawl. I thanked her heartily, and she said, “Go to sleep, he’s sleeping,” pointing to her husband, who was starting to wake up. I went back asleep for the remainder of the flight and thanked her a million times more as we exited the plane. What a lovely woman. © scratpac4774 | Reddit
Story 4
When I was a very young and pregnant girl living in the South, I was used to getting a lot of harsh remarks or comments about having a baby so early and out of wedlock, but one very old lady approached me and handed me $20, saying, “Hey honey, here’s to help with diapers, they get pretty expensive. Best of luck to you.” That act of kindness will be with me forever. © coddiwomplek /Reddit

Story 5
I was in a funk chatting to ladies throughout my first year of college. I suppose it happens when you transition from a small high school to a large college. But I was more shy than I usually am. Well, I was at a party and caught a girl’s eye, so despite my shyness, I mustered the bravery to approach her.
As a result, I felt really ashamed. I don’t remember precisely what happened, but when I said hello, she said something like, “Try somewhere else, 3’s shouldn’t talk to 10’s.” I also remember her saying it very loudly, and a few males nearby laughed loudly and exclaiming that I had been rejected. I walked to another room to escape, but I felt someone following me.
I turn around to see the most beautiful woman I’ve seen in four years of college. She went on to say that the girl I spoke with and her friends had been playing a game where they get males to talk to them and then reject them, and that I should ignore it. She urged me to stay with her the rest of the night and I would be her “boyfriend.” She was a senior set to graduate, and I had just finished my first semester. But, literally, that one act of kindness restored my confidence, and I let go of the newly acquired shyness.
I saw her around campus a few times after that, and she’d rush up to me and give me a big hug. That would be an incredible experience for anyone to do, let alone her! She even sent me texts throughout college to see how I was doing. © chuck_cascio / Reddit
Story 6
I’m a student who studies during the day and works as a waitress at night. I moved from another town three months ago and have failed to make any friends. And yesterday, my tooth broke. The pain was excruciating, and intolerable. I was unable to afford a dentist.
So I’m working a shift, and every rapid movement or loud sound causes excruciating pain. The other servers on the shift then approached me and handed me an envelope containing all of our shift tips. They stated, “Here you go, baby! Go get your tooth fixed in the morning!” This kindness moved me to tears. © Ward 6 / VK
Story 7
A stranger unexpectedly gave me a pink rose. He was an older man, and the fact that he handed it to me without saying anything and with a smile on his face made my day, week, and month. I haven’t seen him since then. © Unknown author / Reddit

Story 8
In college, I was depressed and sad, and over the summer, I worked as a housekeeper for a Comfort Inn, which turned out to be an extremely physically demanding job. I believe that the summer months of hard labor, where I was alone for the majority of the day, provided me with the opportunity to work through some difficult feelings.
Anyway, one day I was finishing up a room, hot and sweating from the oppressive heat (they didn’t air condition the halls, only the rooms), and completely fatigued and dirty. While loading the garbage into my trolley, two lovely men (sparkling eyes, well-dressed, skin so dark and smooth, beautiful wide smiles) on their way out of their room stopped and sang me a magnificent acapella song; the texture and resonance of their voices reverberating down the long empty hallway was surreal.
It turned out they were vocalists on their way to a show. I’ll never forget that event. It was roughly 12 years ago, but I still remember how good it felt to know that someone understood how much kindness and beauty can elevate a person’s spirits. © Manic_Sloth / Reddit
Story 9
My first wife abandoned us while my son was a baby. It was difficult, but I survived.
One evening, I went to supper with several pals. I had to change the infant because there was no table in the men’s room. I asked a lady leaving the ladies room whether it was empty, and she checked for me and gave me the okay. While I was trying to organize my diaper bag, lady approached and offered to change him.
I told her I had it, but she insisted and wrapped her arms around me. Apparently, I had been holding back a breakdown the entire time, and she saw straight through it. I cried for a minute while a stranger changed my infant son, thanked her graciously, and returned to supper with my friends, feeling a little lighter on my shoulders. I don’t know who she was, but she was an angel to me that night. © PrintError / Reddit
Story 10
I adored my grandmother’s antique sugar and creamer set. When I got married, I wanted one of my own, but my grandma still used hers. So I began my search for a similar set. Apparently, that specific plastic set was either not popular or few remained since it was so difficult to obtain.
I finally posted a description of what I was looking for on an antiquing forum because I couldn’t locate an image of it, and a lady answered with a photo of the set she owned. I inquired if she would sell it and explained why I wanted it. She answered that she would consider selling it, so I emailed her my address and requested a return address or a payment link.
No response, but a few weeks later I received the set in the mail (with no return address) along with a nice message wishing me good luck in my new marriage and new house, as well as the hope that I would treasure the set she brought me. I had no idea who this stranger was or where they lived, but they sent me this fantastic present. 13 years later, I’m still using the same set, which I treasure very much! © WifeofTech / Reddit

Story 11
A few hours before my wedding, I was in an elevator, all dressed up. A guy got into the elevator, glanced at me, and said, “Are you the groom?” I said, “Yeah.” He continued: “You look calm, that means you’re doing the right thing.”
And that was precisely what I needed to hear to begin the happiest day of my life. Thank you, elevator guy. © Talias Mithevallir / Reddit
Story 12
In my freshman year of high school, I was an outsider; nearly all of my old friends from middle school abandoned me for popularity, and I guess I was “too ????” or “unattractive” to join them, so I became a loner. I always fell behind in P.E. class because I was out of shape and unathletic, and I was aware that people made fun of me.
So, one day during our warm-ups, I was running, and one of the most popular athletic girls went out of her way to tell me she liked my outfit, and all of her friends looked at her strangely. After that, I messaged her on Instagram to express how much it meant to me, and we’ve remained friends since. I know it’s not a huge issue, but it meant so much to me, and I’ll never forget it. It taught me how powerful a small act of kindness can be in someone’s life. © riskykreme / Reddit
Story 13
Our dog was struck by a car. A pair witnessed her being hit (but did not hit her). They pursued her, hoping to save her. After combing the woods, they were unable to locate her.
Another random individual observed these people and inquired as to what they were looking for. After explaining to the man that they were seeking for an injured dog, he offered his hunting dog to track her down. The dog eventually led the group of strangers to our dog. They called me, then wrapped her up, and we met at the nearest veterinary emergency room.
After being sh0cked to find our dog with a fractured jaw and protruding eye, the couple remarked to us, “I know you are young, and I know what it’s like to be young; we can help pay for this.” The entire situation renewed our confidence in humanity. Our puppy is still alive and well after nearly a year, but not without the complete compassion of strangers. © turnipsedith / Reddit

Story 14
I was having a difficult time at my new waitressing job, and on one shift, no one cared to inform me that the table numbers had changed, so I was unaware of the new seating arrangement. Taking food to the wrong tables, furious that no one appeared to know what was going on, my manager walked out, snatched the plates from me, and told me to go back into the kitchen and be useful for once.
I was quite furious and embarrassed because it was in front of a pretty busy restaurant/tearoom, and as my manager began to storm out, a little old lady rose up and told her what a piece of work she was and that she needed to buck up her ideas. She then approached me, complimented me on my performance, and hugged me like a nana. I could have cried. © Curious-Resource-962 / Reddit
Story 15
My mother, who lived with me, had Alzheimer’s disease. We were waiting for our turn to pay before leaving the dentist’s office. She overheard another woman state that she couldn’t pay the price they asked for whatever she required. My mother, God rest her soul, asked me, “Do I have money?” When I replied okay, she continued, “Okay, I want to pay for that ladies’ dental bill.”
I didn’t know who she was talking about because I hadn’t heard the exchange. The woman had gone to use the restroom, but the young woman behind the desk recognized what my mother was saying and added, “Her bill will be $275.” Without missing a beat, my mother asked, “Do I have enough money?” I answered yes, and she paid the bill. We left before she arrived; it was for the bathroom. My mother was quite pleased. © 3b1gplusgrb / Reddit
And these stories prove that kindness makes every ending happy.