Test Your Focus with a Mathematical Riddle
How concentrated are you today? Let us test your intellect with this mathematical riddle. You might think it’s too basic to be worth your time, but don’t rush to judgment. This brainteaser is more difficult than you believe and demands a keen eye to find the solution.
Benefits of Brainteasers:
Quizzes need your complete intellectual strength, including both wit and speed. They keep your mind active while providing a delightful break from daily tasks. Brainteasers promote memory, focus, and even help prevent mental illnesses. Regular mental exercise improves your focus throughout the day.
The Challenge
The quiz below will put all of your cognitive abilities to the test. If you get stuck, don’t worry; we’ve supplied a solution at the conclusion. However, give it a true try and resist peeking! Are you ready? Let’s go!

Can you solve it? Let us see how fast you are.
Do you have an idea already? Take a closer examination to make sure your theory is true. The number sequence follows a pattern, and all you have to do is identify it.
Finding a Solution
Let us study the solution together. First, consider the difference between the first two numbers in the sequence: 99 – 92 = 7. Next, the distinction between the second and third numbers: 92 – 86 = 6. Continuing with this trend, the difference between 86 and 81 is 5, and between 81 and 77 is 4. The pattern is 7, 6, 5, 4.
To get the final answer, subtract 3 from 77, which yields 74.
SOLUTION: 77 – 3 = 74.
Did you receive it? Well done! Challenge your friends and pass the quiz around to see if they can complete it as quickly as you. Let us spread some fun today!