Weddings are a time for joy, parties, gatherings of family and friends, and celebration. Many preparations go into planning a wedding, such as choosing the best clothing, creating eye-catching decor, and inviting loved ones. Many couples are fine with hosting a large number of guests, including kids. Some couples, on the other hand, would prefer to invite just adults; that is, no kids.
This type of wedding was experienced by Lucy B, a mother of a five-month-old, and she became very upset over it. This British woman spent over $5,000 on tickets and travel to attend her cousin’s wedding in Australia, only to discover that her baby was not allowed to attend.
Lucy is even more frustrated because she organized the family’s travel and airline bookings a year in advance. All of her expenses are now useless.

Lucy B is the nickname of a woman on Netmums. Lucy used this website to share her story and inform other users of the kind of situation she was in. She clarified that the cousin had told her a year in advance that the wedding would take place in Australia. She purchased the tickets and paid $5,312 as soon as she knew the wedding date.
But her cousin informed her three weeks before to the wedding that only Lucy and her husband were invited. The children were not invited. What upset her most was that the children would have no one to take care of them.
She said she looked online but couldn’t find anyone (they lived in the suburbs). Everyone she knew in Australia came to the wedding. Was it unreasonable of her to think it was a joke that they couldn’t make an exception for a breastfed baby flying over from England?
Her annoyance and sadness were understandable, according to those who heard about her experience.

Some believe that they were forced to accept the kid at the wedding and that “that” rule shouldn’t be emphasized at the last minute.

There are always going to be exceptions, and considering the distance this family had to go, they had to make some for this wedding as well.

The story demonstrates how some people make decisions without giving them enough thought. This is the type of issue that could have been avoided had the engaged couple considered all the details before. Given that it was their mistake in the first place and that the family had traveled thousands of miles to attend the wedding, they had to make an exception for Lucy.
All prospective couples would do well to remember this lesson. The big day ought to be a joyful and happy occasion for everyone who attends, not just the important participants. Situations such as this have the potential to spoil a perfectly good day.