What if you plan a family trip with your in-laws, expecting some fun and relaxation. But you find yourself facing unexpected challenges tied to social status and cultural norms.
This young woman finds herself grappling with tough decisions influenced by family expectations and societal pressures.
Here’s what she shared
“I went on a family trip with my in-laws a couple of weeks back. My mother-in-law has the idea that I’m not very cultured or well-mannered because my family isn’t as well-off as hers. She thinks I lack proper etiquette just because we’re from different backgrounds.
Originally, the family didn’t want me to join their plans, but my husband really pushed for it and practically begged them to invite me. It’s not just me either; even my brother-in-law’s girlfriend wasn’t invited.”

“When we got to the hotel, they made plans to go to this expensive restaurant for dinner. My husband didn’t tell me about it until the last minute after he was already dressed up. When I asked him what he was up to, he casually mentioned that he and his family were going out to eat, but I wasn’t invited.
His excuse? His mom thought I wouldn’t be comfortable with the type of food and how to behave at such a fancy place, so she thought it would be better if I stayed at the hotel for dinner. Instead of arguing, I just let him go and then packed my bags and left, catching the first flight home.”
“After I left, my husband freaked out and called me a bunch of times. He said I was being unreasonable and ungrateful, and he even accused me of making him look bad in front of his family, even though he begged me to come along on the trip. When he got back home, he wouldn’t even talk to me and just ignored me. And to make matters worse, his family indirectly criticized me on Facebook for leaving.”