1. You Have Plenty of Loose Change
Feng Shui, which literally means “wind and water,” is an ancient Chinese art of placement that focuses on creating a harmonious atmosphere that attracts and facilitates the flow of chi.
Feng Shui recommends placing stray change in a jar in your kitchen to bring financial plenty.
2. You (Ahem) are “Bird Bombed”
Birds, as animals of the sky, frequently relieve themselves in flight. On rare circumstances, bird droppings will land on someone’s head. While frustrating (since what do you do if you’re at work?), this could be a sign of good fortune.
So, if you get pooped on by a bird, remember this!
3. Seeing the Number 8 Everywhere
No, you can’t look for the number 8…so stop it (you know who you are!)
Joking aside, the number 8 is considered a homonym for “good fortune” in Mandarin and Cantonese. As a symmetrical figure, the number is seen as a sign of balance and inner peace.
4. Bugs!
(Bleck … *covers mouth*…oh, sorry!)
Some of us (including yours truly) hate bugs. Any bugs. Large and small bugs. Flying and crawling bugs. *Grabs swatter*
But, in some cultures and countries – Trinidadians [brown spiders and grasshoppers], Brazilians [gray crickets], Chinese [crickets and dark butterflies], and Barbadians [loud crickets] – certain creepy crawlers are seen as good luck.
5. Seeing Your Initials in a Spider’s Web
I have yet to witness this, but I must say it would be really cool. Apparently, if you come across a spider web and find your initials, you’ll have good luck with money for the rest of your lives.
6. Someone Gives You Money on a Lucky Day
Here’s another piece of wisdom from the Fung Shui tradition. Google a Fung Shui Almanac and then look for the day of your animal sign or the new or full moon. Now, if you receive an unexpected cashola gift, you may find yourself “in the money” quickly.
(Getting a generous tip on your Lucky Day is also considered lucky, according to Feng Shui custom.)
7. Your Java is Bubbilicious
The one’s peculiar, but nonetheless interesting! There’s an old East Coast superstition that finding bubbles atop your coffee predicts wealth.
Our Canadian friends have a similar belief, but with a twist. If you can locate bubbles atop your coffee and, using a spoon, catch them unbroken, money is coming your way. (To the local java joint!)
8. You’re Pregnant
Ancient Chinese wisdom states that pregnant women carry good luck in their bellies. If you find yourself in China, pregnant, head to the local casino or to Netbet Casino. Odds are that nobody will bet against you. In fact, if you may be able to earn some coin without even playing. In China, gamblers consider it good luck to have a pregnant woman stand behind them when playing Blackjack. (Get that commission!). You can also go on https://www.slotsformoney.com/casinos/us/illinois/ to gamble from the comfort of your home.
9. Don’t Flip Your Bread!
In France, it’s considered bad luck to place a loaf of bread, baguette, or any type of bread upside down. In fact, according to French lore, “mishandling” bread this way can introduce misfortune and poverty into one’s life.
(Bonus: if you’re in France on Friday the 13th, buy a lotto ticket. Also, if you come across a coin with your birth year on it, pick it up. Y’know, just on the off-chance you find yourself in France on this day with a pocketful of pieces de monnaie.)
10. Visit the Water Fountain

This last one may sound contradictory given that it comes from Greece, which is now experiencing economic difficulties, but hear us out.
In the “olden” days, Athenians would drop coins into water wells to keep them from running dry. It is said that this technique gave prosperity to the ancient land. This tradition quickly gained popularity. Do you remember tossing pennies into the fountain as a kid?