8 Signs Your Partner Is Secretly Unhappy In Your Relationship

1. Is distracted
When your partner is distracted and gives you less attention; instead of spending time with you, such a partner will spend time doing less important things. Whether it’s Sundays or vacations, if he spends more time on his books or in his work, you could be the victim of an unhappy relationship.
2. He becomes quieter
There is hardly any conversation between you two. You’re sitting at the dinner table or quietly sitting somewhere and you’re not talking to each other! If your partner drastically cuts off communication with you and becomes quieter, it’s a sign that your partner is secretly unhappy.
3. He or she is in a bad mood
If your previously even-tempered partner suddenly loses his temper, it’s time to reconsider your relationship. For one thing, taking out his anger on you in this way is not cool and should be addressed immediately.
4. He starts nitpicking everything you do
At the beginning of your relationship, your partner thought everything you did was adorable, but now you can’t even breathe without him criticizing you. Chances are, your partner is unhappy in your relationship and is taking it out on you.
5. Someone else’s entrance
The entrance of another person is clearly a sign that your relationship is going to go through one of the ugliest phases and during this phase, one can either break up or work hard to eliminate this other person from their partner’s life.
6. He/she becomes less affectionate
When your usually romantic partner becomes less caring, less affectionate and less loving, it is a huge indicator that something is very wrong, and that your partner is secretly unhappy.
7. He or she becomes disrespectful
If your partner suddenly becomes rude and disrespectful to you, it may be due to a grudge or a secret unhappiness that is troubling him or her.
8. Hiding things from you
When partners are comfortable and happy with each other, they say things to each other and rarely keep secrets; but the same is not true when one partner is secretly unhappy – this can cause your partner to withdraw and hide things from you.