10 Bedtime Drinks That Help Burn Stomach Fat
Today We has put together a list of the very best homemade drinks recipes that will help you get healthier and slimmer and make you full of energy.
These are basic recipes, and you can adapt them to your taste: add less sugar, use more healthy ingredients, use water instead of soda. They’ll still be incredibly delicious!
1. Fresh cucumber and lime drink

Cucumbers are both low in calories and also filled with healthy antioxidants, vitamins, fiber, and minerals, all of which help us lose weight. Cucumbers help to hydrate the body and help to keep blood sugar levels in balance.
The addition of lemon and ginger give this drink a wonderful flavor, and you’ll notice stomach fat gradually fade away by drinking this each night before bed. As your body detoxes, make sure to cycle each month; drinking this each night for 30 days, then taking a week off.
1 lime
2 cucumbers
1 big orange
honey according to taste
mint according to taste
1 liter of sparkling water
How to make it:
Puree one cucumber in a blender and slice the other one into circles. Squeeze the juice out of the orange and lime. Combine the cucumbers, juice and honey in a large pitcher and mix together. Add the soda and garnish it with fresh mint leaves.
2. Pear and sage drink
The high fiber content, high water content, low calories and digestive benefits all help pear consumption lead to weight loss. Pears have healthy levels of natural fructose and glucose, providing a natural boost in energy. Unlike many other fruits; however, pears have a low glycemic index. This low glycemic index results in a slower carbohydrate absorption in the bloodstream. As this transition is slow, there are no rapid spikes or falls in blood sugar. With stable blood sugar, we have less cravings for more food.
10 fresh sage leaves
1 lime
250 ml of pear juice (fresh or packaged)
250 ml of sparkling water
1 pear
How to make it:
Slice the lime, cut the pear into cubes and place them in a pitcher. Add the sage mashed with a fork. Crush the ice using a food processor or mallet. Add the crushed ice, pear juice and sparkling water and mix your drink.
3. Grapefruit and cinnamon drink
Grapefruit contains high levels of vitamin C which helps the body metabolize fat faster, making them a wonderful tool for weight loss. Researchers at the Scripps Clinic found that participants who ate half a grapefruit with each meal in a 12-week period lost an average of 3.6 pounds.
500 ml of grapefruit juice (fresh or packaged)
500 ml of sparkling water
1 glass of water
2 cinnamon sticks
1 anise seed
mint leaves
some sugar
How to make it:
Combine the sugar, water and cinnamon in a pan and make a syrup. Simmer it for five to ten minutes until the sugar melts. Let it cool down. Mix together the juice, syrup and sparkling water in a pitcher. Add ice and garnish it with mint and anise.
4. Apple Cider Vinegar Tea For Weight Loss
Apple cider vinegar is great for weight loss, and studies have shown that consuming it can help to significantly reduce waistlines. Of the 144 participants studied, a 12-week program of 2 tablespoons daily reduced waistlines by an average of 1.4cm!
While there are many delicious and healthy apple cider vinegar recipes, here is one that really helps to detox and burn that unneeded fat around the belly.
1 liter of apple juice (fresh or packaged)
100 ml of lemon juice
1 lemon
How to make it:
Slice the lemon into circles. Combine the apple and lemon juices in a pitcher. Add the lemon slices, mint and ice. You can serve the drink with slices of apple.
5. Green Tea
Studies have shown that green tea accelerates the metabolism, which leads to increased weight loss. Green tea also contains a phytonutrient called EGCG, which boost natural hormones that promote feelings of fullness and satiety.
One study reported that green tea helped to significantly reduce body weight, body fat percentage, belly fat, and waist circumference.
Your favorite natural green tea
12 to 16 ounces hot water
Honey (optional)
6. Spicy Ginger And Lime
This is another delicious drink that burns stomach fat by using the health benefits of ginger. Consuming ginger can help promote healthy blood circulation as it thins the blood. The notable warmth felt throughout the body when consuming ginger also feels great.
4 limes
4 tbsp fresh grated ginger
Sparkling water (1 L)
150 ml of still water
Brown sugar (optional for taste)
7. Pineapple Slim

Pineapple juice is a tasty way to get enough of the healthy antioxidants that the body needs, as well as lots of fiber. The high fiber content of pineapple gives us a feeling of satiety and fullness, which reduces cravings without adding to our stomach fat.
The lemon helps to boost the metabolism and together with mint gives a yummy flavor. Honey is optional.
1 lemon
Fresh pineapple, juiced, or 1 can of pineapple containing pineapple and juice
Sparking water (1 L)
Source: brightside.me, understandingcompassion.com