When you have a gut sense that something is wrong with your relationship but can’t put your finger on it, your instincts may be correct. Sometimes the truth is revealed by how your partner acts rather than what they say. Body language is a powerful tool that can reveal what words may be hidden. Understanding your partner’s body language might help you identify these red flags before they worsen.
1. They blink too much.

Excessive blinking usually indicates that someone is uncomfortable or dislikes what they’re seeing or hearing, and it’s used to avoid direct eye contact. Your partner may also blink excessively if they feel superior, as if they are saying, “I don’t even want to look at you because you’re not on my level.”
If they blink slowly or close their eyes for an extended period of time, it may indicate that they are dissatisfied with what you are saying or doing. This extended blink is a nonverbal means of expressing disdain or implying that they are too good to interact with you.
2. They’re too close.

We all have our own personal space, and we don’t want others to go too close when we’re in it. However, you may find that your partner invades your personal space at inappropriate moments.
It is acceptable for them to be close during romantic moments, but during a disagreement, they should leave you some room. If they start getting right up in your face during fights, towering over you, that is not acceptable and demonstrates a lack of respect.
3. Their smile is fake.

Look out for smiles that don’t reach their eyes. If their smile is tight or only involves their mouth, it may indicate that they are not truly delighted to be around you. Squinting or slightly closed eyelids are common signs of a genuine smile, as are small wrinkles around the eyes. In a genuine grin, the muscles around your eyes tighten, whereas in a phony smile, only the cheek muscles activate.
4. They sigh too often.

Frequent sighing can be a polite, empathic indication that someone is experiencing emotional distress or discomfort in your presence. If they sigh frequently when you’re together, it could mean they’re feeling emotionally pressured or unpleasant.
5. Their feet are pointed away.

When someone’s feet are not facing you during a discussion, it is a subtle indication that they are not entirely engaged in what you are saying. If their feet are pointed away, it usually indicates that they are not fully engaged, may be uncomfortable, or are considering leaving.
For example, if their feet are oriented towards a door or another person, it may indicate that their attention is diverted or that they are ready to exit the engagement.
6. They’re leaning away.

When your partner is around you, the way they posture themselves can indicate how interested they are at the time. If you’re chatting to them and you observe them leaning away or taking a step back, especially while looking away, it means they’re losing interest in the topic. This usually signifies they want more space from you or dislike what you just stated.
If you find yourself falling head over heels for someone without truly knowing them, obsessively thinking about them, or basing your mood only on whether they called you today, you may be suffering from unhealthy emotional reliance. In this article, we will explain how to spot to:xic relationships from the start.