6 Foods You Should Avoid If You Suffer From Arthritis
Most of us, especially those of us who are getting on in years, suffer from arthritis. Normally, it causes chronic pain and is difficult to treat. Medication only helps with pain, fatigue and other symptoms. Unfortunately, relying solely on medication can cause more damage because of its side effects. Most sufferers need to change their lifestyle and diet to find relief. Many reports indicate that certain foods aggravate and trigger pain.
We have listed the foods you should avoid if you have arthritis:
1. Sugar
Sugar causes high levels of insulin, which causes inflammation and thus makes your pain worse. If you must have some sugar, do so by eating fresh fruit, without artificial or processed sugars or sweeteners.

2. Alcohol
Alcohol consumption causes joint pain and regular drinkers would also suffer from gout. Since alcohol can worsen arthritis symptoms, anyone with inflammatory arthritis should limit or avoid it. In addition, alcohol damages the intestinal flora and promotes the growth of fungi, which impairs the body’s ability to detoxify itself.
3. Gluten
Gluten is a group of proteins found in wheat, barley, rye and triticale (a cross between wheat and rye). Gluten increases inflammation and suggests that a gluten-free diet may relieve arthritis symptoms.

4. Refined vegetable oils
Rapeseed and corn oils are high in omega-6 fatty acids. They can worsen the symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Instead, you can eat omega-3 oils, seeds and fruits. Reducing your intake of foods high in omega-6 fatty acids, such as vegetable oils, while increasing your intake of foods high in omega-3, such as fatty fish, can improve arthritis symptoms.
5. Pasteurized milk
Dairy and other animal products contain a particular type of protein that contributes to arthritis or fibromyalgia. The tissues surrounding the joints are irritated by these proteins and therefore cause more pain. Many chronic pain patients have solved their problems by adopting a vegan diet. Otherwise, you should get your protein from nuts, lentils and quinoa and avoid milk.

6. Foods high in salt
High sodium intake can be a risk factor for autoimmune diseases like inflammatory arthritis. Reducing salt intake may be a good choice for people with arthritis. Foods high in salt include shrimp, canned soups, pizza, some cheeses, processed meats and many other processed foods.