5 The Qualities Of Men Which Women Find Irresistibly Attracted

1. Quiet Confidence Beats Boasting Any Day
Confidence is desirable. Women actually prefer to go for calm, collected guys. It shows you know what you stand for, you’re clear on your goals, and most of all, you have a positive relationship with yourself.
2. Look Older
Most women prefer men who look older or more mature than their actual age, not very young. Along with this, Women who are financially independent prefer men who are older and stable in life.
3. Body Muscles
Women like physically fit ie muscles man. However, she does not see long term relationships with men with very heavy muscles. On the other hand, women give more priority to men whose body is fit and not much built up as their life partner.
4. Kindness and Selflessness
Women are attracted to a man who is generous and selfless over someone who is vain. The thought that someone somewhere will go all out and have their back anytime keeps women in a relationship. Women find men who go all out and are genuinely kind very attractive.
5. Laughter
In most cases, women are more attracted to men who can make them laugh. Funny men are sexier than bland ones. Seen as a sign of intelligence, a good sense of humour is instrumental in getting a woman interested in you. Don’t be too serious, make her laugh and see how drawn she would be to you.